CLAREMORE, Okla. (KFOR) — If you’re someone who believes in a creator who gave us sunlight and growing things, it might not be such a great leap of faith that He could reach down and perform other, smaller miracles.
“All I did was put seeds in the ground,” insists backyard gardener David Robison.
He is a retired police officer who traded his trigger finger for a green thumb.
“Green beans are my favorite,” he says, then points, “turnips, butternut squash, and I’ve got Goliath radishes here.”
He planted a backyard garden five years ago, and this year’s version around April 5.
Everything came in pretty well, he says, except tomatoes.
But the okra really took off.
“Obviously,” he chuckles, “this year was the year for okra.”
The average plant grows to around seven feet tall.
David’s okra topped out at 11 feet by July.
“I knew something weird was going on about the time I had to pull the ladder out to cut okra. I was like, ‘I don’t think this is the way it’s supposed to go.'”
He got more produce from his plants that he or his neighbors could use, but it was the height of it that proved the biggest draw.
“I get a good view of all the neighbors up here,” says David from the top step of his ladder. “They get a good view of me and they think I’m nuts.”
“I’ve enjoyed this,” he continues.
“Did you trade your cow for some magic seeds?,” we ask playfully.
“No, no,” he laughs. “I don’t think I really took that good a care of it myself.”
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The tallest plant in the row, more like a tree now, stands at just over 15 feet.
A world record for tall okra plants came in last year from Louisiana measuring nearly 16-and-a-half feet.
“If that one does get past a world record I wouldn’t even know who to call,” he states.
“But I’ve done some pretty good things in my life and here I am getting notoriety for my okra!”
So Robison is going to keep picking the last of his Clemson Spineless and watching it grow until the first freeze.
Oklahoma’s new Okra King is waiting for another miracle.
“I prayed over my garden when I planted it,” he smiles, “And I can only say he answered.”
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